3rd MarchRaise a glass for International Mulled Wine Day AUTHOR JOANNE SHUMACK / CATEGORY NEWS / PUBLISHED: FEB 3rd 2023 We DEFINITELY don't need a reason to celebrate wine....buuut if...
Think about it. Why would you make something that you’re going to use for a few minutes out of a material that’s basically going to last forever, and you’re just...
The Best Upcycle Ideas for your Wine Bottle Candle Vessels AUTHOR: Morgan Brownlee / CATEGORY Sustainanability/ PUBLISHED: 05-Sep-22 Wine Bottle. Candle. Then What? We've bought together our favourite Upcycle ideas...
5 Creative Reuse Ideas for Ceramic Candle Vessels AUTHOR Joanne Shumack / CATEGORY Sustainanability/ PUBLISHED: 08-Jun-22 Finished with your candle and wondering what next? Here are 5 ideas for your...
Lets celebrate and support Australia’s local makers and growers all around the country! AUTHOR JOANNE SHUMACK / CATEGORY In-House / PUBLISHED: JUN-07-22 It's Official folks!! We did it, we...
Welcome to the family // Our newest collection is handcrafted, homegrown & inspired by the wonderful place we get to call home. AUTHOR JOANNE SHUMACK / CATEGORY WHATS NEW /...
5 Colours, 5 Fragrances, 2 Sizes, so much love! AUTHOR JOANNE SHUMACK / CATEGORY WHATS NEW / PUBLISHED: SEP-16-21 Our newest Candle Collection is here and we are all a...
The craft of clay lends itself to recycling and reusing and the ethos behind our business is that a piece of our ceramics is for life, not just a throw...
Mojo Candle Co Year in Review2021 AUTHOR JO SHUMACK / CATEGORY BEHIND THE SCENES / PUBLISHED: JAN-12-22 2021 might have been another rollercoaster ride we could have lived without but...